
Moments in May

May has been a busy month so far! I’ve had many favorite moments in May already!

Mother’s Day was great! I was able to have some time to myself to actually get ready for the day without the boys in my bathroom space. This getting ready was especially nice, because it was more than just my usual mascara, yoga pants and a pony tail. It was, as Evan would say, “A really special treat!”

My gifts were great too! I got photography swag from the boys. A nice camera bag (woo hoo – no more stuffing it in random mom bags!), a scalloped hood (an accessory for the camera, not an article of clothing), and a variety of lens filters. On top of camera basics, I’m now super excited to try out all my accessories.   I was so excited, that on the very blustery Mother’s Day morning, we all went to the park. That was crazy. I think the temperature gauge on the car said 37 degrees. Really? What were we thinking? We lasted about five minutes, but I did get to try out some of my new stuff. (no photographs from the park made it on the blog, it was too cold and I got nothing good there!)  I then got to enjoy a nice afternoon out shopping with Andrea.  For dinner, Jeff grilled some delicious steaks. It was a really great Mother’s Day. Thanks again boys!

Following our freezing Mother’s Day, some warm weather finally made it here!! We broke out the water table and even took a trip to the technically closed, Pewaukee beach. The boys loved it. Evan especially loved it. He had no qualms about walking right up to the water and going for it. (He had no complaints about the seaweed or anything!) Is this my son? I have a feeling we will be regulars at the beachfront this summer.

Our playset has gotten a lot of use this summer, as have the bikes! Evan loves his tricycle. I’m happy to say that we are now proud parents of a real peddler! That is why I had to throw a couple pictures of Evan on his tricycle. In the last week or so, he has mastered peddling and he is very fast! This will be yet another mode of torture for Preston but hopefully he will just get really fast at running ;)

The sad picture of Preston . . . Well, he’s teething and has had a cold for awhile. That pretty much has been his May so far.

My final happy moment was this week when Jeff & Evan had their first Brewer outing together for the season. Good practice for our upcoming LanGer Brewer game this weekend. Evan loved every second of it (so I hear) and we are excited for more games!

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